Изложба САД – Србија, 1918–2018, дипломатски и културни односи
Отварање: 29. јун 2018. у Галерији Архива Аутори изложбе: Бора Димитријевић, некадашњи директор Народног музеја у Зајечару и Миладин Милошевић, некадашњи директор Архива… -
Еxhibition "Miladin Prljević, an architect"
Opening date: Friday, March 6th, 2015The Gallery of the Historical Archives of BelgradeRealization: Historical Archives of Belgrade and Historical Archives of UžiceThe author: Ivan R. MarkovićAddition to the standing: Đurđija Borovnjak and Snežana Lazić (Historical Archives of Belgrade)Design of pamphlets: Đurđija BorovnjakGraphical… -
Exibition Massive graves, scaffold and camps
Exihibition was organized by Republic Organization of families of captured and killed soldiers and missing civilians of the Republic of Srpska. The exibition considers 108 documents demonstrating Serbs suffering during the Civil war in the Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995. -
Exihibition Neo-Renaissance Architecture in Budapest
Exihibition was opened In the gallery of Histrorical Archives of Belgrade on September 11th 2009. Hungary pronounced 2008 the Year of Renaissance. On that occasion Budapest City Archives opened an exhibition of plans and projects of Neo-Renaissance buildings in the city. The exhibition showed plans and projects, which comprehend characteristic…