New edition of the Historical Archives of Belgrade entitled Kosta St. Pavlović: THE JOURNAL 1930–1932 represents a significant historical source for researchers and wider audience. The diary of Kosta Pavlović kept in this period provides precious information on various events and individuals, including relationship between king Aleksandar and distinguished individuals of the 6th January regime, relationship between former radicals, democrats and Petar Živković, civil activities, students and extremist opposition activities, and government's treatment of them.
Legacy of Kosta St. Pavlović, which was donated to the Historical Archives of Belgrade by his son Stevan, includes diaries kept in the period between 1930 and 1934, and between 1944 and 1954. The diaries are useful to the researchers interested in Yugoslav history in the interwar period and during the Second World War. They also provide information on the life of an individual who continued to live in the emigration after 1945.