The archivals are classified and arranged in accordance with the standing archival principles. In recent past, the fonds of the Administration of the City of Belgrade, the Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade, the Danubian Financial Directorate, the Special Police Department of the Administration of the City of Belgrade and of Gestapo have been arranged.
The results of the classification and arrangement are the finding aids, as follows:
two volumes of the Guide through the fonds of administrative organs and public services, judicial system, education, culture and science institutions, social and health care institutions;
232 summary inventories;
1,600,000 file cards;
450 descriptive lists of fonds and collections;
elctronic catalogue with 230.000 units of description;
Card files of the technical documentation of the fonds of the Municipality of the City of Belgrade and the Assembly of the City of Belgrade have been digitized. The digitization of the information contained in the fonds of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade and the Danubian Financial Directorate is underway. The eight books of the Banjica Concentration Camp have been digitized.